Free eBook
Hype names got you frustrated?
This free digital guide will help you identify every nail gel in the market so that you can use it confidently to start mastering long wear.

Trained in:

A Note From Paola…
I get you. I was there! Receiving the heartbreaking messages when my client’s nails popped off, chipped, or lifted (regardless of how thoroughly I prepped and applied). I was also there… Working furiously, those long salon hours, trying to make the dream happen. You know? Achieving that perfect work/life balance, working the hours that I wanted, doing the types of nails I wanted, with only the type of clients I wanted. Wishing, not only to make the kind of money that I wanted to make but also making it consistently. Until one day, after making some serious changes in my business, it finally happened. Your well being and the independence and freedom that you deserve as a creative nail stylist are just a couple clicks away. This time, don’t let anything or anyone stop you on the road to finally learn what it takes to be a profitable, specialized gel nail technician potentially making a 6 figure income (even if you’re just starting out!).

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Don't Miss This!
Inside the book I’ve detailed exactly how you can identify every type of gel in the market.
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