5 Secrets That Will Ensure You Never Have Lifting Again

Gel nail lifting is the number one problem that keeps our clients from returning to us, and growing a bountiful book of loyal clientele.

For this reason it MUST be top priority to get it figured out.


Course Description:

In this mini masterclass I’m going to show five of my best kept secrets to ensure your soft gel overlays last well beyond the two week mark. 

This Class Is For You If:

If you’ve tried it all, and you still have a nail or two that continue to lift, or if your entire application doesn’t last on you or your clients … it may be time to apply some advanced strategies for those lifting culprits.

This class was created for those using soft gel like potted soft gel, builder in a bottle, or rubber base.


Unlimited Access

This class is a pre-recorded video lesson.


You will need the following for this course

Internet connection and something to take notes with!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long is this training?

This pre-recorded lesson is approx. 10mins long.

Is this training in my MGN Course?

Yes! If you are part of our Master Gel Nails Course, this lesson is in your program.

Have another question?

Email us here.

Don't Miss This special opportunity!

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