Pricing Cheatsheet

In this download you will learn what you should be charging as a specialized gel nail tech for your core services, and the mindset behind why you should charge this way. At least from the start of your career as a premium soft gel specialized nail stylist.

You can absolutely charge more (oh, and I want you too!) as your confidence and demand for your services grows!

We often get asked “What should I be charging?”. Setting up a call to discuss and set up your prices and services, would take us at least 1 hour together at our current hourly rate of $120 per hour. We are happy to be able to deliver to you this resource at a more affordable price!


An indispensable resource for gel nail specialized stylists! 

Key Things You'll Learn:

#1: The 4 Factors That Bump Your Prices To Premium

No guessing here. You will learn WHY you should and can charge higher for your services. Even if you're just starting out.

#2: The Rule Of Thumb For What You Should Charge As A Specialist

So that you never charge for anything less again, for a minute of your working time!

#3: The Exact Core Services I Offered

Keep it simple with your listings, to get more bookings!

#4: Exactly How Much Time Each Core Service Should Take You

Be kind to yourself in the beginning with the duration of your services. These are benchmarks you should be hitting the more experienced you become.

#5: Exact Wording For Each Core Service

I include exactly every detailed word so that you don't have to ponder for too long what each particular service offers.

Don't Miss This special opportunity!

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