Who Should Start A Press-Ons Business?

In the period where I was transitioning from being a busy full time nail tech to a full-time educator. I had a little uncertainty, and fear if you would, about losing touch with the world of nails.

All I knew at that time was that I at least needed a break in the industry, and I had great peace from that decision. I was looking forward to mommy-life, but my second child, nails, was kind of asking questions. Like, Uhm so how long before you start giving me attention again?

And that voice kind of kept intensifying during baby nap times, or any extra bit of time I had to myself really.

So I would start, often, crawling into my little studio and work on press-on nails. I didn’t know who they would be for, or how would I sell them, or exactly what kind of designs I would niche into.

Eventually, I did figure it out and, I’ve put all of that information in my digital course The Press-Ons Lab.

And well, here I am, not a press-ons artist, but rather an educator. Which I am most content with by the way.

But not to say a press-ons business is not viable.

Like it totally is. Imagine my shock when I found out a loyal subscriber was about to hit the $100k mark doing press-ons!! Like, yeah, totally viable.

Yet, I’ve heard the other side of things also when a whole bunch of nail techs considered this idea in 2020. They on the other hand were like, Press-ons were a fail for me. I invested in designing and purchasing materials and it didn’t pan out for me.

And my personal experience with a press-ons business actually never came to fruition, as I quit that venture to pursue something I felt more comfortable in, and that was education, and more specifically digital education.

But even as I would sit there designing and putting the business process of things together. I didn’t feel it in me, I didn’t visualize success in it. And I think the main reason for me is because I don’t consider myself to be an artist first. Nail art doesn’t come easy to me. So I couldn’t create or design fast enough to start selling in droves.

Yet, as I mentioned already there are six figure press-on business owners doing their thing.

So. I know that was a bit of a long introduction, but I thought maybe you could relate or are even feeling in the same predicament as I was. Like, Should I start a press-on business or not?

That is why in today’s video I’m going to share with you based on what I’ve seen out there, who should start a press ons business.

Ready? Let’s begin!

Who should start a press-ons business?

Let me first start with, Who should not start a pres-ons business.

No. 1

A press-ons business is just like any other business that will need nurturing, lots of it, in the beginning to kick it off.

And so, if you are not going to treat it as if you just launched your very own line of skincare. Do not get into press-ons.

I’ve yet to meet a press-ons artist that just casually and randomly drops a set here and there and passively is making sales from their press-ons. 

No 2.

You also shouldn’t start a press-ons business if you’re in a constant time-stress

I mentioned earlier, that nail art does not come easy to me, and it especially doesn’t, if I am trying to throw up something quickly for a nail art video. It’s just  not going to happen.

I believe nail art is an escape. A time where you draw out inspiration and find uninterrupted time to let your creativity flow.

And so if you’re an overbooked nail tech, or you’re already successful in another area of business or your career, or you’re a busy parent with very little time, or whatever other life scenario that causes you not to have calm to design, then I would really reconsider if press-ons is the right business outlet at this time for you.

Also, imagine you could have spare time to create, well your time and stress levels need to also be under control because you would have to design and deliver immaculate sets to your customers.

So now that we have a grasp on who shouldn’t start a press-ons nail business…

Here are the 3 types of people that should consider starting a press-ons business:

Being a press-ons artist does not require being a licensed nail tech. SO if you absolutely cannot contain your nail purchasing frenzy and you’re motivated and excited to paint on 10+ tiny canvases at a time, all the time, then the world is your oyster when it comes to starting your press-ons.

I think the nail art enthusiast is the most perfect candidate to start a press-ons nail business. They are fueled in every which way to make  something happen for themselves.

If you are creating content on the regular and you don’t know how to monetize your content. Creating a press-ons business could be a revenue source.

Your “nail art tutorial” can drive viewers to purchasing a set with the showcased design as this month’s special nail offering, for example.

Now if you are a prolific content creator or influencer with a captivated audience, you most probably will be able to sell them anything you believe in. And scary enough, often things that you don’t fully believe in. But don’t do that.

So yes, prolific content creators and influencers should definitely consider bringing some of their content to life in the form of a press-ons business.

The third kind of person that should consider starting a press-ons nail business is…

So you went to nail school, only to realize cutting cuticles, or holding hands for two hours with a stranger ain’t your thing. This is actually more common than you think, by the way.

Yet you feel as though your heart is still in the nail industry somehow, some way.

Well that may be in the form of a press-ons nail business.

Who are press-ons for anyway?

This is a really good question to think about when launching your own press-ons business. The riches are definitely in the niches. So you do have to spend some time thinking about what your ideal customer looks like.

Who do you envision wearing your nails?

One of my family members actually works at a funeral home/cemetery and I don’t know if you know this, but corpses get their hair and make up done too.

And this family member of mine, actually had a body, a corpse, to assist on and the family wanted their loved one to have their nails done with… press-ons.

So this can definitely be a niche, just want to throw it out there if anyone wants to run with it. Just a pro tip, the glue won’t dry or cure when hands are very cold, so sticky tabs would be the way to go here.

So bottom line, envision your customer, and create your branding to attract that ideal customer.

Ultimately, there are three reasons why I believe press-ons businesses fail: 

  1. No audience
    1. Imagine doing all of the good work, with a proper launch, beautiful branding etc, and you drop your first press-ons release to an empty room. Sales aren’t going to happen.

Which brings me to number two

  1. No real strategy to launch that press-ons business as a proper branded business
    1. Your strategy should definitely involve a way to grow an audience to sell too regularly


  1. Lack of motivation. Which is going to happen when you don’t have the two previous things.
    1. If you don’t have an audience or they’re not warmed up to your press-ons business and any of its new releases, and then opting to buy… then things sooner than later will get discouraging.


Look if after today’s conversation you still desire to make the press-ons business a successful thing- go for it… But you at least now know the real commitment you are in. Things could totally work out for you. Not here to crush your dreams, I’m here to help you crush them in the biggest way.

But maybe after today’s conversation you realized that a press-ons business is not for you or didn’t work out for you because you are under time stress, or nail art doesn’t come easy to you, or you don’t have an audience to sell to quite yet, or you.. fill in the blank.

Remember a press-ons business is like any other business, it needs a proper launch and a strategy to consistently drive eyeballs (prospects) to your offerings, or it will not take off.

Traffic sources can include, word-of-mouth, reels, blogs, an Etsy Shop, and any other place where a group of people congregate regularly so that you can nurture even just a small segment of new prospects and then nurture them into buying ‘your thing’. In this case, your fabulous press-ons.

I hope today’s topic was extremely helpful! If you don’t see a link below for The Press-Ons Lab Course, you can check it out here.

Thanks again, and I’ll see you next week. Bye for now!

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