Magnetic Gels: The Easiest Design

Magnetic gels can be a bit of a pain when trying to achieve a certain look.

My favorite magnetic nail art look is the half-moon effect at the cuticle area. You can easily upgrade a manicure with this simple nail art technique, and that is what we’ll be doing in this video, Magnetic Gels: The Easiest Design

Here are all of the materials you will need for this manicure:

Kokoist Japanese Gel (code PPN10)

  • Color Ash Khaki #318
  • Dramatic Magnet in Dramatic Matcha DR-06
  • Kokoist High Power Magnet 

Zillabeau (code PPN10)

  • Lily Gel Brush Oval+

Content written by Paola Ponce 

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Easily get passed the next catchy or trendy name by learning the baseline for all gels.

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