The Number One Way To Retain A Client For Life

I know there is much uncertainty among new and even seasoned nail techs about client retention, especially in today’s economy.

But today, I want to share with you the number one way you’ll end up with a client for life, and yes it starts with one!

To get to where I want to get with today’s message, I have to share a story with you about how my family and I casually came across a sushi restaurant.

Before diving in, just a last-call reminder to get on the waitlist for my upcoming Leafgel Certification for Levels 1, 2, and 3 happening LIVE on March 6th, 7th, and 8th. This waitlist is the VIP list to get first dibs on updates, including early bird enrollment.

Plus, if you certify now in Levels 1-3, you’ll qualify to attend the May Instructor certification hosted by Leafgel USA who will bring Japanese Nail Stylist & Sensei Junko to administer the instructor and educator qualification!

You can sign up for the Leafgel certification waitlist HERE, and my class enrollment does have a cap of 25 students, so make sure to add us to your favorites in your inbox, so you don’t miss our enrollment period.

Alright, now on to today’s topic.

So, in the state of Indiana where I live, it’s pretty,… very pretty actually, but when it comes to gourmet food, let’s just say high-end food options within, even 45 minutes of us, there are maybe two solid options, and I mean really good options. After that, not to boast, but not much is worth driving to as I can make it at home with quality ingredients.- what? I can cook?? Don’t make me start a cooking channel!

So if we have something to celebrate to justify the tab, again, these two options are near us, and they are great. We are very thankful to have them.

Now the same thing goes for scenic things to do in Southern Indiana, there are about five great things to do within 2 hours, and after that, if you want more, it’s time for a weekend trip.

So once upon a time, it was time to get up and go outside Indiana, and we decided to go to one of our neighboring states, Missouri.

Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri guys. Not Vegas, not Los Angeles, not New York, not Miami, you get the picture.

And we’re on a little vacation, and it’s time to choose a dinner place, and I go online, specifically, Google, to see images of the food possibilities near us and to see what images draw us in.

I further filtered my query to show only the highest rated.

I came across a little sushi restaurant that we decided to go to… because the sushi looked like that.

We show up, and they can sit us without a reservation in their little makeshift covered patio.

Before being seated, at the host stand, we are kindly briefed on the rules…

They are…

Keep it under 2 hours, and there is a compulsory 18% gratuity—Yes-regardless of the size of your party. So you know, in your head, you say, This better be good.

And off we go into our sushi experience.

Every bite is a -wow-. We got to the point where we just handed the keys to the server and just said, “You bring us what you think we should not leave here without trying.” And he did not disappoint, guys.

Everything was melt in your mouth delicious! We’re talking Nobu-grade sushi.

Like, where are we? What is this?

Well, of course, we get our bill, and it’s pricey, to say the least, and remember, it also has an 18% built-in service fee.

But my husband and I look at each other like I don’t care. I’ll come back tomorrow.

Stay with me; I promise I’m going somewhere with this.

So then a few months pass, and it’s time for another weekend celebration, and my husband and I can easily agree on that one sushi place in Missouri.

Off we go to make the 3-and-a-half-hour drive -one way-, which then, of course, has to turn into a short family trip, but there is plenty to see and do in St. Louis.

We make it. And we sit down, ready to indulge in the experience we had the first time we came.

And… it’s not the same.

Turns out… they have switched their menu and all of the nigiri items that were melt-in-your-mouth-delicious are going to be left at their other location.

Other location? Where? How far is that from here? Why didn’t anyone tell us this before sitting down?

Well, this second visit was nothing to write home about. No splurge. It was not as our first 🙁 

And that may have been the end of our story about that one hole-in-the-wall crazy good sushi joint… except we remembered the first visit.

So once again, a few months later, an occasion for a quick outing comes up again, and we say let’s give this other location (same sushi company) a try.  We know what this company is capable of.

This time we did our due diligence before setting out, and from what we see online, the menu is what we want, and there is still that compulsory charge, but now it is 20% as opposed to 18%. The decision is made; we don’t care as long as we can get the same food and experience we received the first time.

Off we go. And sure enough.

The sushi here is that sushi we experienced for the first time. We have a great time, and as we close our tab, we’re told some news…

Their moving…

And rather than panicking because now we’ve found what we want… we ask,

Where to?

Because in our mind, we’re like … wherever you go, we’re coming.

This company cannot shake us off, Why? It seems like they’re trying to on purpose, right? And we just won’t go. Why? 

Because they offer a unique and exceptional product that they have established, what I’m going to coin…

The “No Matter What” Factor.

This factor is the number one way to retain a client for life.

You want clients to be “no matter what” clients, and that can only happen if you offer an exceptional, unmatched result.

Every set of nails you give a client should come with the effort and intention of having given them your all. If you do that, the clients willing and able to pay for your premium-priced services will not bat an eyelash to book with you because no one within driving distance of them can give them a wow-worthy set of nails.

And let’s go back to the sushi experience I shared with you. Please pay attention and see how it began. So that you can identify if your core nail services elicit the “no matter what factor.”

1. Online search, Google it!

First, it started with a patron (us) looking for a nice place to eat.

Do you not think your prospect can be looking right now to find a “nice” place to get their nails done? So is your place nice? Does it have a touch, even just a little? I literally once had a client review me and said she was pleased with her service…, but the only downside was that she was just staring at a blank wall. It’s as simple as putting something pretty behind you.

2. Images. Can I see your best work?

Ok, so then we wanted to see food images that would allure us in and decide that this is the place we want to treat ourselves to.

Are you easily found right now? Can someone Google your business and see the best work you offer? Do you populate in the results of “best nails near me?”

3. A kind brief on the service. How does it work, and how much it costs?

Then, we were kindly greeted and briefed on the rules? Including additional fees.

Are your policies clear and pre-delivered before your client’s appointment? Do not leave surprises for when it comes time for your client to pay the bill, which may offset the positive experience they had with you. Also, and most importantly, are your policies kind, or do they come off as if you are yelling at them? I recommend leaving your policies at the point right before they are going to book an appointment with you.

4. Does your service elicit “wow” moments?

For instance, are your products different, fun, and elegant? Do you offer a short pampering moment during the service? For example, for me, it was a hot towel after the service. I think I can even remember a client or two saying this was their favorite part, and for me, I was like… Really, even after $90 nails, OK.

5. First impressions.

Next, is your client’s first experience unforgettable?

You saw what drew us back to that sushi restaurant. Despite the price, the travel, the fees, and the many changes… it was the first experience.

6. One of a kind.

Next, is what you offer exceptional and unique?

Oh… this one here is life-changing for you and your clients.

7. Every experience is like the first one.

And lastly, can you replicate the first experience again and again…?

If you answered Yes, to the majority or all of these questions, you will elicit the “no-matter-what-factor” from your clients and fill your book with lifers.

Alright friends, time to do some self-analysis, and I hope today’s topic fills your books with lifelong clients.

If you want to know more about my story and how I booked myself out by offering a unique service in my area, check out the link below to start watching my free masterclass.

Thank you for hanging out with me, and I’ll see you at the next one. Bye for now.

Content written by Paola Ponce 

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