Blooming Gel NAils… are we late to the party. I’ve heard of blooming gel and sincerely was not moved as it seemed like a trend… and when it comes to those, because we use products that are tried and true… I just wait them out to see if they’re really game-changing.
But when one of our favorite brands launched their blooming gel version, they had our attention.
Blooming gel is a thin gel that allows other gels to disperse on it. So you lay a layer of your preferred blooming gel, and then you drop in any of your preferred gel on that wet, uncured layer, and the whole thing starts dispersing or blooming. The longer you wait the softer the entire effect becomes.
Today I will be using all Kokoist products. If you are interested, you can use code PPN10 at checkout for a 10% discount.

Content written by Paola Ponce.
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