Kokoist Intro Kit | What’s in it for $100?

Kokoist Gels are a brand of gels from Japan that along with its owner Koko are manufactured from scratch. So how do you get started with Kokoist, which products do you buy? We’ll be going over all of the items in Kokoist’s Intro Kit. (BY THE WAY ! I have a code w/ Kokoist to save you 10% it is PPN10, don’t forget to use it! *)

Greetings and welcome back!  If you are new here, I am Paola and I am a certified Japanese gel nail stylist and also a Kokoist Brand Educator.

With more and more people growing into the niche of Japanese gel and coming across Kokoist, a little direction as to what to start off with, will go a long way right? So rather than just jumping on the Kokoist website and guessing your way through what clear gels or brushes to buy, Kokoist created an intro kit to get you started with all the right beginner must buys. And we thought, why not give you a run-down of all of the items included via the video above. And so here we are. 

Now, I already told you that Kokoist gels are manufactured from scratch, and this happens within Kokoist’s own manufacturing facility in Japan alongside Koko herself and her own product chemist…. And I wanted to make mention of this because not only is it note-worthy and super special but, also because there is essentially no middle man within the process of gel design to gel creation, to reatiling even!… and that is why the Kokoist brand of products is able to offer us, just about the most affordable price for their gel nail products.

So without further ado. Here it is, the Kokoist Intro Kit and its contents:

There are 13 items in the intro kit plus a free gift. 

My Kokoist Intro Kit came in a super chic clear Kokoist bag. It includes the Kokoist Product Catalog, with all product information like consistency, sizes and pricing.

Item #1 & 2: 

Kokoist Round Brush and Thin Liner 

By the way, Kokoist brushes are hand made in Kumano, Japan which is known for producing high quality calligraphy brushes.

Item #1:

The Kokoist Round brush allows for maximum product control with minimal product absorption into the bristles, so you’ll never feel like you’re painting with a soaking-wet mop or sponge. Round brush can be used for any application of choice, gel base, builder, or colors.

Item #2 

Kokoist Thin Liner brush. 

This is a short liner brush that allows you to paint fine details.

Item #3 

A 4g jar of Platinum Bond Duo

Platinum Bond Duo is a very unique product across all Japanese gel brands, it is a 2-in-1 base and builder. Apply it thickly for maximum durability, you can use the Round brush included to apply it. 

Item #4 

Ultra Glossy Non Wipe Top Coat

Ultra Glossy Non Wipe Top Coat has become one of my favorite top coats. 

l really like the consistency of this Top Coat, as it is slightly more viscous than most Non Wipes, allowing you to smooth out tiny imperfections in your application right before final curing. 

Ultra Glossy Non Wipe Top Coat lives up to its name and indeed stays ULTRA shiny through the duration of your manicure, or your client’s. 

I will give you a heads up about its smell, it can be a little strong, but do know that Kokoist gels are 7-toxin free, and crafted with cosmetic grade ingredients. Should any ingredient content concern you, you can peek at their Safety Data Sheets directly from their website. And you can find that link, down below.

Items #5, 6, 7, and 8 are colors. 

Do note, that in comparison with other Japanese Gel color jars, Kokoist jars are 2.5g.

Item #5 

Color E-3 Rouge Red 

This red is your classic red. Super beautiful, and super pigmented. You will get full coverage with just one coat, but apply twice for even longer wear.

Item #6 

Color E-173 Peanut Butter Toffee

This is the perfect sandy nude beige. You can apply it underneath your nail art as the perfect alternative to a clear or white canvas. And as a one coat application, it also makes a beautiful background to draw a French tip on.

Speaking of French Tip. 

Item #7 is

E-56 Bluey White is the brightest white, and most importantly the answer to a crisp white French Tip manicure or other fine line work.

And speaking of fine line work, who doesn’t need the perfect, almost archival type of black for outline, and other line work.

Item #8

Enter E-148 Blackest Black, which is indeed true to its name, you’ll probably not want to use any other black after using this one. If using it on the entire nail, apply it as 2 thin coats, or you’ll have bubbling air pockets due to the light being unable to penetrate through the pigment and cure it.

Our last items…

Items #9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Consist of 4 Files, and 1 Sponge buffer.

Item #9 & 10

The 180g Emery Board and the 180/240g diamond shaped files are suitable for the natural nail or finishing off your enhancements.

Item #11 & 12

The 120g & 180g moon-shaped board files are ideal for reducing and shaping your cured gel nail enhancements.

And lastly 

Item #13

The moon-shaped sponge buffer. Is the perfect nail prep tool for Kokoist gels, Let the frit do the work for you for the most gentle but effective outcome.

Comes with a Free Gift! Or 3 if you include the baggie, brush case and the actual miscellaneous gift, with which this kit I received the Turquoise Mica flakes

How much will this kit cost you? All of the items add up to a total of $124.40, but as a kit you get to enjoy all of these items at 19% off for an even $100 for the whole kit.

And if this sounds like the right starter kit for you, you can shop directly using the link below in the description box

Thanks for joining me today and well, we haven’t had a Giveaway in a little while now. As a thank you for watching this video till the end, you get to enter my giveaway HERE. Good luck and don’t forget to subscribe for more Japanese gel nail content.

Have a merry start to the week and I’ll see you in the next one!

*The links on this blog may be affiliate links that earn me a small commission from your purchase. Prices of items are not inflated to supplement my commission.

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